Kelly Schrum Receives Award

Kelly Schrum Receives Award

The Child Custody Project will serve as a free, online clearinghouse for legislation, case law, practice, policy issues, social science research, national and state trends, media coverage, and history related to child custody in the U.S., providing a centralized place for thoughtful, impartial, and interdisciplinary learning and dialogue on child custody. It will include summaries of changing statutes and case law precedent, reviews of relevant research studies, essays by prominent scholars highlighting issues that affect child custody, and interviews with influential scholars, legislators, judges, and lawyers in the field as well as with individuals involved in custody cases. The Child Custody Project will facilitate a national conversation and promote standardization within and across states, a much-needed resource for scholars, lawyers, judges, researchers, media, parents, policymakers, and all those with an interest in the evolving laws and practice that affect children.